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Welcome to my blog. I document amazing woman in and around Buffalo NY and feature their stories, hopes, dreams, sorrows and everything in between! #buffalobossbabes

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Buffalo Boss Babe: Nicholle Overkamp

Buffalo Boss Babe: Nicholle Overkamp

Hi Boss Babes! Marie here! :) I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who make Buffalo Boss Babes possible! It’s an honor to volunteer with such an empowering and uplifting group of women. We need you! If you’re interested in volunteering with us, send us a message at Anywhoo..

This week’s Buffalo Boss Babe is Nicholle Overkamp. If you don’t already know Nicholle, she’s the powerhouse behind Wilcox Financial Group and Powherhouse Money Coaching.  Nicholle has been a part of the Buffalo Boss Babes since the beginning and we’re thankful to have her as an inspirational leader in our community. If you haven’t been to one of her events or sat down with her for coffee, we highly recommend it!


What made you start or brought you where you are today? Tell us your Story. What makes you a Buffalo Boss Babe?

I wanted to create a company where women could come get advice about money and financial planning without feeling intimidated, judged or getting sold a product. Many of the financial planning firms were full of the "old boys’ network''  - an old way of doing things. No one was incorporating behavior finance or coaching into their practice and I wanted to be more progressive and create systems to achieve financial success. Also, no one was focusing on women exclusively, and we saw a huge need for that. Being a woman, I understand and know what unique challenges we face, mindset issues around money blocks and ways to overcome all that. We wanted to make planning accessible, easy and fun... money should be exciting, not cause stress and anxiety!


What does being a Buffalo Boss Babe mean to you?

It means being a women in business, supporting and empowering other women. To me, success is helping grow the success of others in our community. I love being in Buffalo and seeing this exciting growth and other women FINALLY starting to come together and collaborate in bigger numbers!


Who are your favorite people to follow?

@melrobbinslive @lindsayteague - I got to interview her for our book, Money Bitch!

What are your favorite things to do in the area?

Eat! I love trying new restaurants and supporting local businesses. My husband and I also love boating and try to get out as often as time allows in the short summer. It's so much fun with Canalside being accessible now.


Tell us about your favorite collaboration or dream collaborations?

It would be my dream to collaborate with Mel Robbins. Her book, 5 Second Rule, changed my life when I was dealing with a very difficult and tragic time. SO much of what she talks about resonates with me and I think together we could make a huge impact on mindset and money.

If you could have coffee with anyone in the world who would it be?

Michelle Obama! I read her book, Becoming and fell in love with the person she is. It also gave me such good perspective I wasn't expecting to gain and learn. I have about 500 questions I'd like to ask her.

What are your hopes, dreams, and goals; big or small?

Change 100 lives a year. Start a foundation to educate girls on finance.

Tell us about your family.

Chris, my best friend and husband of 5 years! We have a seriously spoiled golden-doodle, Remi- - our only child. J Both of us are always on the go, working out (to work off all that eating out we do!) or doing something outside. Our side hustle aside from running our businesses (he runs a family Marina), flipping houses or working on one of our rentals. We love being busy so real estate is a great hobby for us.


Tell us your favorites.

Color: Tiffany Blue

Super Power: Intuition, it’s always right

Animal: Golden-doodle – my dog is literally my spirit animal

Season: Summer

Favorite thing about Buffalo: The Community

Food: Ice Cream

Again, Hi Boss Babes! Marie here J. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who make Buffalo Boss Babes possible! It’s an honor to volunteer with such an empowering and uplifting group of women. We need you! If you’re interested in volunteering with us, send us a message at Anywhoo..


This week’s Buffalo Boss Babe is Nicholle Overkamp. If you don’t already know Nicholle, she’s the powerhouse behind Wilcox Financial Group and Powherhouse Money Coaching.

Buffalo Boss Babe: Julie Ann Davis

Buffalo Boss Babe: Julie Ann Davis

Buffalo Boss Babe: Women Owners of BreadHive

Buffalo Boss Babe: Women Owners of BreadHive