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Welcome to my blog. I document amazing woman in and around Buffalo NY and feature their stories, hopes, dreams, sorrows and everything in between! #buffalobossbabes

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Buffalo Boss Babe: M.J. McNerney

Buffalo Boss Babe: M.J. McNerney

This week’s (bada$$) Buffalo Boss Babe is M.J. McNerney. She’s is the Owner of Sweat 716 on Swan Street in the heart of Downtown Buffalo. In addition to operating Sweat 716 on a daily basis, she is also a personal trainer and group fitness instructor who’s dedicated to helping her members get fit and have fun doing it! M.J. believes having the right mindset, in the right space, with the right people makes all the difference. Keep reading to find more about how Sweat 716 came about and why you should check them out!

What made you start or brought you where you are today? Tell us your Story. What makes you a Buffalo Boss Babe?

I started working the front desk at the BAC 12 years ago. This was after I had lost 90 lbs. on my own through diet and exercise. I used to skip my Intro to Accounting class at the University of Buffalo in order to pick up extra shifts at the gym; that’s when I realized I needed to switch career paths. From the front desk, I moved to become a group fitness instructor, then personal trainer, and then studio-owner 12 years later.



What does being a Buffalo Boss Babe mean to you?

It’s being an EXAMPLE to others and actually walking the walk. Everyone wants to talk about lifting up other women but very few execute it, and that’s what it’s all about.


Who are your favorite people to follow?

Ashley Graham, or any meme page 🤷🏿‍♀️


What are your favorite things to do in the area?

Enjoying the local restaurants. It’s such a treat to have so many incredible local restaurants and to not have to rely on any big chains.


Tell us about your favorite collaboration or dream collaborations?

There’s nothing better than collaborating with Judy from Garage or Megan from Raw Renewal Yoga! Those two are the EPITOME of lifting up other women. I love texting them and bouncing ideas off of them always and get all giddy when we do collaborate together!


If you could have coffee with anyone in the world who would it be?

Instagram’s own “Joanne the Scammer.” Nothing would be better.

What are your hopes, dreams, and goals; big or small?

As Cliché as it may sound, I would love nothing more than to have everyone who comes to Sweat 716 feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. We aren’t the biggest studio, it’s hot and sweaty on the inside, it’s downtown so maybe parking isn’t the easiest, but I want people to say “damn, I feel so good!” physically AND emotionally. I want everyone to catch that positive vibe right away and forget about everything else.


Tell us about your family?

My amazing fiancé (and Sweat 716 Co-Owner Rob Karp), my son R.J. who is almost 6, and THREE enormous dogs Conan, Choochie , and Mason ❤️ 


Feel Good Favorites

Color: Gold 

Food: Eggplant Parm

Super Power: Pressing on when bad shit happens.

Animal: Cane Corso (Like my Conan)

Season of the Year: Fall

Favorite Thing About Buffalo: The people, and how easy it is to get where you need to go (and not sit in traffic for hours!)

Photo Credit: @amydoakphotography @sweatwithmj

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