Buffalo Boss Babe: Dotty Mayle
So many people have been asking for us to feature someone who does their business as a side hustle and the first gal that came to mind for this is Dotty Mayle! Dotty is a teacher by day and goodie bag maker by night! She is full of spirit and kindness and not to mention a stellar baker! We chatted with dotty about goodie bags, life and more!
Photo by Jim Jakubowski Studios
What made you start or brought you to where you are today? Tell us your story and what makes you a Buffalo Boss Babe.
Kids live for the goodie bag at the end of the birthday party. I started Oh Goodie! after seeing Moms scrambling around throwing dollar store items into goodie bags hours before they had to host a ton of kids for their child's birthday party. I realized that I could use my mad shopping skills, creativity, and lack of sleep to create themed goodie bags that were actually useful and fun for kids to receive! Parents everywhere have rejoiced and I am blessed to have a strong and thoughtful clientele. Oh Goodie! has expanded to include custom gift baskets, teacher appreciation gifts, and we offer several wedding line options. It brings me so much joy to help busy people have exactly what they want for their events, but just don't have the time and patience to make.
Photo by Julia Byrd
Who are your favorite people to follow?
bviously I am a huge Buffalo Boss Babes fan - it's so inspiring to see what so many strong and driven female owned businesses are accomplishing in Buffalo. I love our city! I'm also a huge fan of Reese Witherspoon's IG......she's so creative, smart, and a great businesswoman. She'd be my BFF if she knew I existed. #goals
hat are your favorite things to do in the area (Buffalo and greater WNY)?
am a huge foodie and our food scene is really exploding at the moment. I love checking out local restaurants with my family and friends! I may or may not have a Notes page in my phone dedicated to restaurants that I want to go to. he diversity is definitely more apparent in this Buffalo Renaissance and I am so happy to be here to partake in it.
Tell me about your favorite collaborations or a dream collaboration?
'd love to have Oh Goodie! Swag Bags featured at a huge celebrity event......Oscars, Tonys, Grammys...let's do this!
If you could have coffee with anyone in the world who would it be?
ell, it would be some delicious tea for me....but I think I'd love to sit down with Oprah and have her teach me all of her wisdom. Maybe it would be at her house in Hawaii. That would be awesome!
What are your hopes, dreams, goals? Big or Small.
am currently loving my career as an elementary teacher right no, but I am really excited about focusing 100% on Oh Goodie! post retirement. I'd love to be housed in a marketplace where I can package up some of my fellow Buffalo Boss Babe wares and have a pickup spot for lots of birthday, corporate, and wedding orders!
bunch of fellow Buffalo Boss Babes and I have talked about having this marketplace where we will share a great place for our community and our small businesses can be showcased.
We will make it happen.......and it will be spectacular.
Tell us about your family a bit ( 2 or 4 legged ) ?
'm married to Jay, who is my biggest supporter for Oh Goodie! He is my go-to guy for tech support, brainstorming, and pick ups. He does complain about the lack of paychecks written out to him though. My kids, Samson and Grace, have grown up having Oh Goodie! in their lives. Grace is the best shopping buddy around and has already told me that she plans on taking over the business when I retire. Samson is always giving me his input and ideas for boy bags in his age range. I try my best to keep him and his friends out of my inventory, but I am not very successful. It's got to be hard having a whole stock of fun toys, games, and candy around that's not meant for you!
Photo by Julia Byrd
Feel Good Five :)
Color: Blac
Food: My Mom's Spring Roll Wraps
Super Power: Whipping up food when a visitor pops over
Animal: Panda Bear
Season of the year: Summer
Dotty is honestly one of the most genuine people I have ever met and i'm super lucky to call her a friend! She also makes the goodie bag process so easy & I have to admit that I AM the worst at making goodie bags for my kiddos parties. You can check out her site for more info about Oh Goodie! https://www.ohgoodiebagsny.com/
Until next time babes
Buffalo Boss Babes is a woman run blog series featuring women in and around the city of Buffalo N.Y.
If you know someone doing amazing things for our community, past and present, young and old..... send us a message at buffalobossbabes@gmail.com
Be kind to everyone you meet.
Here's to strong women! May we know them. May we be them